Thursday, December 07, 2006

Holiday Cheer

Everytime I see snowman cakes at this time of year, I am reminded of a time when I discovered what was REALLY inside of those cakes. It was the first grade holiday party at school. The class mother had brought the biggest, most delicious looking snowman cake to the party. All the kids were oohing and aahing over this cake...we couldn't wait to dive in. Come to find out, the cake would be divided up and awarded to the three winners of the party games. All hopes were dashed. Well, lucky for me, I happened to win one of the games. I was the luckiest winner because I got the biggest part of the cake, the bottom part. It was boxed up and sent home with me to enjoy with my family (or not!) Those poor kids in my class who didn't win any of it, too bad for them I thought! Well, I run home, careful not to shake my snowman and crush him to crumbs, "this is going to be sooooo good," I think to myself. The anticipation is killing me..."hurry Mom, get a knife, cut this cake...I won it at school!!!!" My Mom gets out the knife and cuts into it for mouth drops, the tears start spraying's not a cake's a...a....I can't even say it now without my blood's a grapefruit! A big, fat, stinking, frosted grapefruit! I was outraged...who does that to a kid??!! Who frosts a bunch of citrus fruit and presents it as a snowman cake at a party full of kids??!! That has got to be the cruelest trick ever pulled on children at a time when no trick playing should be allowed. I hope she got coal in her stocking that year and every year since...I have not completely recovered from this event, as you can see. If I ever see that lady again...she is going to get more than grapefruit in the eye from me! Nothing like a little grapefruit to brighten a child's Christmas, eh? The one time I actually win something in my entire life and it is a lousy grapefruit. I didn't eat it, but I am sure my Mom did.


Anonymous said...

that is such a funny story. you had me hooked. i've never seen a snowman "cake" like that before.

love.boxes said...

Jenni, that is just sad. I never win anything either, especially a party game. I would be furious if I won something and it was a frosted grapefruit. Who frosts a grapefruit? What a grinch that lady is. :(

Erin said...

so funny. i can't believe the maker of the cake didn't get how cruel that was.

Mumsy said...

A grapefruit? I was waiting for it to be a styrofoam ball. Very cruel. She's definitely going to hell.

I probably am, too, though. I frosted a phone book when I was answering someone who had asked me to a dance. Do you remember doing that in high school? It was lame. Anyway, he was totally upset when it was just a phone book because i had decorated it so nicely. But, it turned out to be an awful date, so he got what he deserved.

I think I'll blog about that date one day.

Lisa said...

Ohhhh I would never eat grapfruits again after that!

Tania said...

I'm laughing OUT LOUD! That is so funny, but SO totally mean. I love grapefruits now, but I didn't when I was a kid. Even today I don't think I'd be happy if it took the place of cake!

Kathryn said...

Jenni, thanks for a good laugh today!

Michelle said...

this is tiff's childhood friend and i must confess to enjoying your blog, but that story absolutely has me hooked! I laughed out loud too! That is the meanest thing ever!
i think we should gang up on the woman and pelt her with grapfruits!