It was a very good year because...
His response:
"I made new friends. It also was a good year because I got good presents for Christmas. One thing I got was some tasty cheese spray[in my stocking]. These are reasons why 2006 was a good year."
And to think I fretted and worried that he would be disappointed over not getting a Nintendo DS last year!
Why was 2006 a good year for you?
hilarious!!! I love you J. :) Remember when S asked only for a really big candy cane? She got one didn't she?
You know who else love that stuff. You got it... Grandma!
And you wonder why I dont mind a Hurricane here? It is unlimited Squeeze Cheez Time!!! Survival food never tasted so good!
Oh, to answer your question--YES 2006 rocked for me, also. Having all your grown children endowed, one married with the sealing perfomed by his Grandpa- our dad. One serving a mission. A hysterectomy...:)
That is too funny! (I love Easy Cheese too- that's why I can never buy it. I have self control issues!)
That is why we have kids right? Instant perspective! 2006 did rock, although I am hoping 2007 brings me uninterupted sleep at night!
that's hilarious! he is so funny.
that stuff totally reminds me of jr. high- thought it was the coolest thing ever.
ewww...Josh's mom is like the best cook/baker I know and he's grateful for canned cheese? I blame Mo.
why didn't he mention that '06 was the year your family started preparations to move back to westchester? haven't you told the kids yet?
Ha! I love that post! kids rule.
2006=first time eating kouing aman in NYC with my buddy, Jenni.
My 15 year old son would be pleased as punch if he got that in his stocking too! One year he only asked for a flashlight and a pack of gum. Of course, he was not 15 then, more like 7-8. :)
Josh has good taste in foods. I have some of that squezzy cheese on hand at all times. It's good on celery and its good in a sandwich. Give me five Josh!
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