Can you believe she doesn't even like this one? Of course she doesn't, I like it, therefore she does not. Maybe if I told her I hated it?? Should I get it and make her wear it, or do I risk scarring her for life, (as my husband says he is from being made to wear
pink pants as a lad) and years of therapy??!!
Sigh. I know we can find a compromise out there somewhere. Maybe you have a girly girl who would wear
this, then I can live vicariously through you for a bit.
What about the "boating skirt" on that site. It's so cute. You know all the cute clothes sites. That dress is darling too. What will we do with S? I can't believe this, she was once the pinkest of the pink pinks?!!?!
I am so over Mo's pink pants issues. He was cute!!!
Yes, Tiff, but you know Mo can never let anything die! The boating skirt is darling, she may go for it. We are in a heated discussion over the brown and white polka dot skirt or dress over at miniboden.com...we'll see who wins!
Come on Soph! I want that dress for me. Soooooo cute. I have my eye on those expensive dresses over at crewcuts. Yikes. They are so pricy. But really? Who doesn't secretly want to dress their kids in lush silk dresses with sashes? I do.
Lindsey, Have you seen the stuff over at Best&Co? Lil is at a good age for this stuff, if you want pricey. She still hasn't discovered that she can decide what to wear, right? It pains me to look at the clothes at Best..so gorgeous, so not going to happen anymore.
Dont tell S, but I like the dress, also!
I vote make her wear it. Then she will get so many compliments from her friends about the dress and she will realize (like I did at her age) "hey, maybe my mom does have good taste, afterall."
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